Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Collaboration Sites

Dear Ashish, Your friend XYZ has invited you to join him/her at XXXYYYZZZ.com
XXXYYZZZ.com is the new way to stay in touch with your friends .... Yada Yada Yada

Are you also sick and tired of subscribing to half a dozen collaboration sites in order to stay in touch with friends... seeing their blogs... checking out their photos... and ***ing them online? And then after signing up at all these places do you find that you're still keeping in touch with you friends over e-mail/mobile/SMS/over drinks...

Maybe, it's high time someone comes up with a 'panacea-like' protocol which allows one to exchange all of one's friends' data (maybe even something as simple as reusing/enhancing the vCard RFC) so that one can choose only one collaborative tool, based on it's features, thereby eliminating switching costs based on data-locking.

If wishes were horses,....!