Friday, July 07, 2006

What's my life become...

I met a friend's dad this week. To set up the context I was supposed to meet up for high tea, but thanks to yet another crisis situation at office- I eventually reached his home at 11 pm.
The first thing the respected elder had to say was "either you are really dumb or have sold your soul to be working this late". Yikes what a greeting!

Then, as people more than one generation older than you are wont to do, he starting relating to us the working hours of most of the people in his generation...
9-5. Yes 9AM to 5PM, both in the same calendar day...
This included coffee breaks, lunch breaks, pick-up-kid-from-school breaks, pay-the-man breaks....
As the cuckoo cuckoos( or coos?) 5 times it's time to hit the club (not a disc, a real club) and a few drinks interspersing a couple of hours of stimulating 'adda' with a dedicated and exclusive circle of a few...
Then one reached home spend a few hours of 'quality time' (though I guess the reason that it wasn't referred to as that back then, is that it was 'normal').

My routine (and most of my friends' too, whether they be in IT, banking or even construction) has boiled down to this now...

The same old soul-sucking grind from Monday to Friday (8AM to 9 PM normally)- Boring,frenzied,exciting, depressing, fun all at the same time...
And then the desperate partying (read boozing) and socializing (read boozing again) to wipe the weeks ugly pug mark from one's consciousness...
Leaves one bone tired... And blog-bitching** about it. :-)

**Edited: Updated to the new phrase as per popular opinion. One of the better feebacks- "My blogs my bitch"...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The line that caught my eye was Chatsy going office at 8 AM ..... Now I am very sure that his boss reads his blogs cuz this has never happened till date ... ;)
